13. How do I get a completion certificate?

If you appoint us as administrator for the building contract, we will take care of this for you.  Otherwise, you’ll be obliged to apply for this yourself, on completion of the project and before the 3 year limit.  

2018-07-13T09:52:12+00:00July 13th, 2018|

12. What communication can I expect during my project

Communication is key.  We understand that you’ll want to be kept ‘in the loop’ with your project as it develops.  Key communication ‘points’ are during the initial brief, the final project brief (at the ‘design stage’), through to communication around the construction timetable (during the ‘technical stage’).  Finally, when your project is ‘on-site’ we can [...]

2018-07-13T09:51:14+00:00July 13th, 2018|

11. What are my health and safety obligations?

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM 2015) place a duty on the client to make suitable arrangements for managing a project, principally making sure duty holders are appointed (i.e. a Principal Designer and a Principal Contractor). The HSE provides guidance for domestic clients.   The CITB provides guidance for commercial clients.

2019-06-16T18:39:53+00:00July 13th, 2018|

10. Can you help us find a building contractor?

Over the years we’ve built-up strong relationships with building contractors so are happy to offer you advice when selecting the contractor for your project.  It’s essential to gets this right as the relationship between yourself, ourselves and the building contractor is an important one.

2018-07-13T09:33:39+00:00July 13th, 2018|

8. How long do consents/warrants last for?

Planning permission is valid for 3 years from the date you receive consent.  With planning permission, significant work has to have started within these 3 years, however with a Building Warrant, work has to be completed within these 3 years, otherwise an extension will have to be applied for and paid for.

2018-07-13T09:01:15+00:00July 13th, 2018|

7. Do I need a building warrant and how long will it take to get one?

The vast majority of projects will require a building warrant.  Timings will depend on the scale of the works and whether it’s a domestic or commercial project etc.  We will advise you on average timings once we know more about your particular project.

2018-07-13T08:59:37+00:00July 13th, 2018|

6. How do I know if I need planning consent, and how long will it take?

We will advise you on all the consents you may need (included listed building consent, conservation area consent etc).  We aim to help guide you on legislation, regulations and contractual obligations.    In terms of timescales for planning consent, most projects will generally go through a statutory application period and this will take 8 weeks.  [...]

2019-06-16T18:36:44+00:00July 13th, 2018|

5. How much will my project cost?

We understand that you’ll have budget for your project.  We will help you maximise the potential of this.  For more information visit Fees/Costs.

2019-06-16T18:34:59+00:00July 12th, 2018|
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